
Since my early teens, I was always an abstract person. While some of my friends drew comic book heroes, I was drawing and painting abstract art. It was something that came naturally to me as my mind would take over on a deeper level without thought. I was once asked to show case and have a show, but that’s not my thing. 

THE UNKNOWN HORSE – by – Giovanni Landino

The Story: One day while sitting in my formal living room, there was this huge empty wall above the fireplace. So I thought to myself that I’d paint something on a 6 x 6 canvas. The space was too big to buy something, which would be expensive. So I got out my paints, and bought a canvas from Michaels with a 50% off coupon.
I set myself up outside because I was gonna make a mess for sure. But instead of painting something with my mind and eyes open, I decided to close my eyes wide shut. I had a general idea of where the canvas was, but I wanted to keep my eyes shut. I took White, Black and Gold paint and with the brushes just started painting. Not thinking of any patterns, any designs, actually not thinking of anything. I just let me soul take over.
My soul at the moment was just a free wild spirit. When I finished, I opened my eyes and thought I just painted a crazy-looking painting that matched the colors of my living room. Thought nothing more of it. Then one day while we had family over for Thanksgiving, one of our guests was looking at the painting for a while. She said, ” Giovanni, You have to come look at this. You did such a great job in tricking our minds to search for the horses. This painting is AMAZING!” I looked at her and said., “What horses?” She replied, ” Don’t you see the big horse in the middle, followed by the other horses’ faces mixed in?” After actually looking at my own painting I couldn’t believe how many horses and how evident they are shown. I was just in awe. After Googling about what I painted, I found out that because I let my soul go free it related to how the Wild horses of old ran free. That they had free spirits that roamed the land. That was exactly what I felt when I was just painting away and through that the images of horses passed through. Hence the name of my artwork. How many can you find?

Lost Girl – by- Giovanni Landino

We all have loved and we all have suffered heartbreak. This is one interpretation of how we all fall victim by the ever-cunning seducer.
Lets start with the Red hat that hides one eye. This symbolizes that this woman is hiding something from the world, but at the same time she wants to bring a certain mystery to those around her.
Her big blue eye brings the viewer of this painting to wonder what she is looking at. Why isn’t she engaging with those around her?She is misdirecting those looking at her. A way to make others not know what she is really up to. Misdirecting and creating an illusion so that you the viewer will not see what she really wants you to see.
Now her big red lips. The center of it all. Her lips represent the love you are feeling for her which is truly her way of seducing you. With out knowing, you start feelings this sense of bliss as she lets her lips take over your mind. Wondering how sweet they might taste or how her lips pressed against yours might feel. Once again she uses this to lead you down the path she wants. She misdirects you while seducing you, hiding her true intentions.
Finally, her long beautiful blond hair. Starting really wide at the bottom of her face and getting narrower as hit disappears under her hat. Look at more closely, see anything familiar? Ever watch or read “The Wizard of OZ”? The famous yellow brick road? Well you are on a journey of your own, your own yellow brick road with this mystery lady. She her self as places everything about her self in a way that takes over your senses, your heart and feelings. She misdirects you to the point where you are either going to discover what she really is up to or you will fall victim to her seductions.
Will you find the Wizard or will you find nothing but love or heartache?

Just a sketch
The Lonely Walk Click to see a video.